International Journal

In Inha Univ.

"Transient development and structure of supersonic gas jets from narrow-cone-angle pintle-type hydrogen injector"
Gyuhan Bae, Jaehyun Lee, Seoksu Moon*, Fuel, Volume 384, 134072, 2025     LINK

"Lightweight method for injection rate prediction of supersonic gas flow from pintle-type hydrogen injector"
Jaehyun Lee, Gyuhan Bae, Seoksu Moon*, International Jounal of Hydrogen Energy, Volume 97, pp. 748~756, 2025     LINK


"Near-field plume-to-plume interaction of multi-hole GDI injector under elevated ambient density conditions"
Gyuhan Bae, Seoksu Moon*, International Jounal of Multiphase Flow, Volume 170, 104642, 2024     LINK


"Application of high-frequency water injection for the performance improvement of waste-heat-recovery boilers"
Gregory Peck, Jaehun Shin, Seoksu Moon* International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 148, 107029, 2023     LINK

"Theoretical and experimental study of waste-heat-recovery boiler with water injection"
Jaehun Shin, Taejoon Park, Hyunseok Cho, Junsang Yoo, Seoksu Moon*, Changeon Lee** Heliyon, Volume 9, E19417, 2023     LINK

"Correlating armature and needle dynamics with voltage waveforms of solenoid-actuated GDI injector"
Seoksu Moon*, Omer Faruk Atac, Gyuhan Bae, Heechang Oh, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, Volume 92, 102391, 2023     LINK

"Detecting ultrafast turbulent oscillations in near-nozzle discharged liquid jet using x-ray phase-contrast imaging with MHz frequency"
Omer Faruk Atac, Lee Hyunsu, Seoksu Moon*,  Physics of Fluids, 35, 045102, 2023    LINK

"Comprehensive investigation on ballistic injection characteristics of GDI injector: A particular focus on injection pressure and fuel effects"
Seoksu Moon*, Omer Faruk Atac, Gyuhan Bae, Jeonghwan Park, Fuel, 335, pp. 127039, 2023    LINK


"Hole number effect on internal and discharged flow characteristics of diesel injector during transient operation"
Omer Faruk Atac, Seoksu Moon*, Weidi Haung, Daisuke Ozawa, Flow Measurment and Instrumentation, 88, pp. 102252, 2022      LINK

"Development of simplified model for injection rate prediction of diesel injectors during transient and steady operation"
Omer Faruk Atac, Sanggwon Lee, Seoksu Moon*, FUEL, 324, pp. 124655, 2022      LINK

"Simplified Modeling and Analysis of Surface Temperature Distribution in Electrically Heated Catalyst for Diesel Urea‐SCR Systems"
Seoksu Moon*, Sunhong Park, Jihyun Son, Kwangchul Oh, Sungwook Jang, ENERGIES, 15, pp. 6406, 2022      LINK

"Hydraulic flip in a gasoline direct injection injector and its effect on injected spray"
Raditya HendraPratama, WeidiHuang, SeoksuMoon*, JinWang, KeiMurayama, HiroyoshiTaniguchi, ToshiyukiArima, YuzuruSasaki, AkiraArioka,  FUEL, 310, pp. 122303, 2022      LINK


"Experimental investigation of fuel temperature effects on transient needle motion and injection velocity of solenoid type diesel injector"
Gyuhan Bae, Sungsik Choi, Sanggwon Lee, SeoksuMoon*, JinWang, KihyunKim, JinwooLee, JinsukKang, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER, 181, pp. 121838, 2021      LINK

"Unraveling the initial flash boiling spray formation at the same superheated index achieved by altering ambient pressure and fuel temperature independently"
Omer Faruk Atac, Seoksu Moon*, Jeeyeon Jeon, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER, 169, pp. 120897, 2021      LINK

"Nozzle Tip Wetting in GDI Injector at Flash-boiling Conditions"
Weidi Huang*, Huifeng Gong, Seoksu Moon*, Jin Wang, Kei Murayama, Hiroyoshi, Taniguchi, Toshiyuki Arima, Akira Arioka, Yuzuru Sasaki, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER, 169, pp. 120935, 2021       LINK

"Unveiling needle lift dependence on near-nozzle spray dynamics of diesel injector"
Raditya Hendra Pratama, Weidi Huang*, Seoksu Moon, FUEL, 285, pp. 119088, 2021      LINK


"Potential for Shock-Wave Generation at Diesel Engine Conditions and Its Influence on Spray Characteristics"
Weidi Huang*, Huifeng Gong, Raditya Hendra Pratama, Seoksu Moon, Keiji Takagi, Zhili Chen, ENERGIES, 13, pp. 6465, 2020      LINK

"Spray formation mechanism of diverging-tapered-hole GDI injector and its potentials for GDI engine applications"
Seoksu Moon*, Weidi Huang, Jin Wang, FUEL, 270, pp. 117519, 2020      LINK

"Application of electrostatic force for the atomization improvement of urea-water sprays in diesel SCR systems"
Raditya Hendra Pratama, Seoksu Moon*, Hyun-Ha Kim, Mitsuharu Oguma, FUEL, 262, pp. 116571, 2020      LINK

"Nozzle tip wetting in gasoline direct injection injector and its link with nozzle internal flow"
Weidi Huang, Seoksu Moon*, Jin Wang, Kei Murayama,Toshiyuki Arima, Yuzuru Sasaki and Akira Arioka, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINE RESEARCH, 21. 2, pp. 340~351, 2020      LINK


"First observation and characterization of vortex flow in steel micronozzles for high-pressure diesel injection "
Seoksu Moon*, Weidi Huang, Jin Wang, EXPERIMENTAL THERMAL AND FLUID SCIENCE, 105, pp. 342~348, 2019      LINK

"Hole number effect on spray dynamics of multi-hole diesel nozzles: An observation from three- to nine-hole nozzles"
Weidi Huang, Seoksu Moon*, Ya Gao, Jin Wang, Daisuke Ozawa, Atsushi Matsumoto, EXPERIMENTAL THERMAL AND FLUID SCIENCE, 102, pp. 387~396, 2019    LINK

Rubby Prasetya*, Akira Sou, Seoksu Moon*, Raditya Hendra Pratama, Yoshitaka Wada, Hideaki Yokohata, ATOMIZATION AND SPRAYS, 29, pp. 123~141, 2019   LINK

Rubby Prasetya*, Akira Sou, Seoksu Moon*, Raditya Hendra Pratama, Yoshitaka Wada, Hideaki Yokohata, ATOMIZATION AND SPRAYS, 29, pp. 59~78, 2019      LINK


"Near-nozzle spray dynamics of 6-hole GDI injector under subcooled and superheated conditions"
Jeeyeon Jeon, Seoksu Moon*, Kiyotaka Sato, Takeshi Nagasawa, Fuel, vol. 232, pp. 308-316, 2018      LINK

"Eccentric needle motion effect on near-nozzle dynamics of diesel spray"
Seoksu Moon*, Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 136, pp. 41-48, 2018.      LINK

"Ambient density effects on initial flow breakup and droplet size distribution of hollow-cone sprays from outwardly-opening GDI injector"
Jeeyeon Jeon, Seoksu Moon*, Fuel, vol. 211, pp. 572-581, 2018     LINK


▷Weidi Huang, Seoksu Moon*, Ya Gao, Zhilong Li, Jin Wang, Eccentric needle motion effect on near-nozzle dynamics of diesel spray, Fuel, vol. 206, pp. 409-419, 2017.

▷Seoksu Moon*, Tianyun Li, Kiyotaka Sato, Hideaki Yokohata, Governing Parameters and Dynamics of Turbulent Spray Atomization from Modern GDI Injectors, Energy, vol. 127, pp. 89-90, 2017.

▷Mathis Bode, Tobias Falkenstein, Marco Davidovic, and Heinz Pitsch, Hiroyoshi Taniguchi, Kei Murayama, and Toshiyuki Arima, Seoksu Moon, Jin Wang, Akira Arioka, Effects of Cavitation and Hydraulic Flip in 3-Hole GDI Injectors, SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, vol. 10, 2017-01-0848, 2017.

▷Tianyun Li, Seoksu Moon*, Kiyotaka Sato, Hideaki Yokohata, A comprehensive study on the factors affecting near-nozzle spray dynamics of multi-hole GDI injectors, Fuel, vol. 190, pp. 292-302, 2017.

▷Xusheng Zhang, Seoksu Moon, Jian Gao, Eric M. Dufresne, Kamel Fezzaa, Jin Wang, Experimental study on the effect of nozzle hole-to-hole angle on the near-field spray of diesel injector using fast X-ray phase-contrast imaging, Fuel, vol. 185, pp. 142-150, 2016.

▷Seoksu Moon*, Novel Insights into the Dynamic Structure of Biodiesel and Conventional Fuel Sprays from High-Pressure Diesel Injectors, Energy, vol. 115, pp. 615-625, 2016.

▷Seoksu Moon*, Weidi Huang, Zhilong Li, Jin Wang, End-of-Injection Fuel Dribble of Multi-Hole Diesel Injector: Comprehensive Investigation of Phenomenon and Discussion on Control Strategy, Applied Energy, vol. 179, pp. 7-16, 2016.
▷Outwardly Opening GDI Injector and Its Effects on Initial Spray Formation, Fuel, vol. 181, pp. 964-972, 2016.

▷Eric M. Dufresne, Robert W. Dunford, Elliot P. Kanter, Yuan Gao, Seoksu Moon, Donald A.Walko and Xusheng Zhang, Pink-beam Focusing with a 1D Compound Refractive Lens, Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, vol. 23, pp. 1082-1086, 2016.

▷Weidi Huang, Seoksu Moon*, Katsuyuki Ohsawa, Near-nozzle Dynamics of Diesel Spray Under Varied Needle Lifts and Its Prediction Using Analytical Model, Fuel, vol. 180, pp. 292-300, 2016.

▷Seoksu Moon*, Keisuke Komada, Kiyotaka Sato, Hideaki Yokohata, Yoshitaka Wada, Nobuhiro Yasuda, Ultrafast X-ray Study of Multi-hole GDI Injector Sprays: Effects of Nozzle Hole Length and Number on Initial Spray Formation, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, vol. 68, pp. 68-81, 2015.

▷Seoksu Moon*, Yuan Gao, Suhan Park, Jin Wang, Naoki Kurimoto, Yoshiaki Nishijima, Effect of the Number and Position of Nozzle Holes on In- and Near-Nozzle Dynamic Characteristics of Diesel Injection, Fuel, vol. 150, pp. 112-122, 2015.

▷Seoksu Moon*, Xusheng Zhang, Jian Gao, Zunping Liu, Kamel Fezzaa, Eric Durfresne, Jin Wang and Ming-Chia Lai, Morphological Exploration of Emerging Jet Flows from High-Pressure Multi-Orifice Diesel Injectors at Different Needle Lifts, Atomization and Sprays (Special Issue), vol. 25, pp. 375-396, 2015.

▷Seoksu Moon*, Yuan Gao, Jin Wang, Kamel Fezzaa, Taku Tsujimura, Near-Field Dynamics of High-Speed Diesel Sprays: Effects of Orifice Inlet Geometry and Injection Pressure, Fuel, Vol. 133, pp. 299-309, 2014.

▷Seoksu Moon*, Taku Tsujimura, Yuan Gao, Suhan Park, Jin Wang, Naoki Kurimoto, Yoshiaki Nishijima, Mitsuharu Oguma, Biodiesel effects on transient needle motion and near-exit flow characteristics of a high-pressure diesel injector, International Journal of Engine Research, Vol. 15, No. 4, pp. 504-518, 2014.

▷Alan Kastengren, F. Zak Tilocco, Daniel Duke, Christopher F. Powell, Seoksu Moon, Xusheng Zhang, Time-Resolved X-Ray Radiography of Sprays from Engine Combustion Network Spray A Diesel Injectors, Atomization and Sprays, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 251-272, 2014.

▷Seoksu Moon*, Taku Tsujimura, Mitsuharu Oguma, Zhili Chen, Zhenhai Huang, Takatoshi Saitou, “Mixture condition, combustion and sooting characteristics of ethanol–diesel blends in diffusion flames under various injection and ambient conditions”, Fuel, Vol. 113, pp. 128-139, 2013.

▷Alan Kastengren, Christopher F. Powell, F. Zak Tilocco, Zunping Liu, Seoksu Moon, Xusheng Zhang and Jian Gao, “End-of-Injection Behavior of Diesel Sprays Measured with X-ray Radiography”, Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, Vol. 134, No. 9, 094501, 2012

▷Jingyu Zhu, Keiya Nishida, Olawole Abiola Kuti and Seoksu Moon, “Quantitative Analyses of Fuel Spray-Ambient Gas Interaction by Means of LIF-PIV Technique”, Atomization and Sprays, Vol. 21, No. 6, pp. 447-465, 2011

▷Ming-Chia Lai, Yi Zheng, Xing-Bin Xie, Seoksu Moon, Zunping Liu, Jian Gao, Xusheng Zhang, Kamel Fezzaa, Jin Wang, and Junmei Shi, “Characterization of the Near-Field Spray and Internal Flow of Single-Hole and Multi-Hole Sac Nozzles using Phase Contrast X-Ray Imaging and CFD”, SAE International Journal of Engines, Vol. 4, pp. 703-719, 2011.

▷Seoksu Moon*, Wu Zhang, Keiya Nishida, Yuhei Matsumoto and Jian Gao, “Development and Evaporation of Group-Hole Nozzle Sprays Under Various Surrounding and Impinging Conditions of Direct-Injection Diesel Engines”, International Journal of Engine Research, Vol. 12, No. 1, pp. 41-57, 2011.

▷Jian Gao, Sungwook Park, Yue Wang, Rolf D. Reitz, Seoksu Moon and Keiya Nishida, “Simulation and Analysis of Group-Hole Nozzle Sprays using a Gas Jet Superposition Model”, Fuel, Vol. 89, No. 12, pp. 3758-3772, 2010.

▷Seoksu Moon*, Yuhei Matsumoto, Keiya Nishida and Jian Gao, “Gas Entrainment Characteristics of Diesel Spray Injected by a Group-Hole Nozzle”, Fuel, Vol. 89, No. 11, pp. 3287-3299, 2010.

▷Seoksu Moon*, Yuhei Matsumoto, Keiya Nishida and Jian Gao, “Improving Diesel Mixture Preparation by Optimization of Orifice Arrangements in a Group-Hole Nozzle”, International Journal of Engine Research, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 109-126, 2010.

▷Seoksu Moon*, Essam Abo-Serie and Choongsik Bae, “Liquid Film Thickness inside Swirl Injectors for Direct Injection Gasoline Engines: Real Scale Measurement and Evaluation of Analytical Equations”, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 113-121, 2010.

▷Jian Gao, Keiya Nishida, Seoksu Moon and Yuhei Matsumoto, “Characteristics of Evaporating Diesel Spray: A comparison of laser measurement and empirical/theoretical predictions”, SAE International Journal of Engines, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 805-818, 2009.

▷Seoksu Moon*, Keiya Nishida, Yuhei Matsumoto and Jeekuen Lee, “Gas Entrainment Characteristics of Diesel Spray During End of Injection Transient”, Atomization and Sprays, Vol. 19, No. 11, pp. 1013-1029, 2009.

▷Jian Gao, Seoksu Moon, Yuyin Zhang, Keiya Nishida and Yuhei Matsumoto, “Flame Structure of Wall-Impinging Diesel Fuel Sprays Injected by Group-Hole Nozzles”, Combustion and Flame, Vol. 156, No. 6, pp. 1263-1277, 2009.

▷Seoksu Moon*, Jian Gao, Yuyin Zhang, Keiya Nishida and Yuhei Matsumoto, "Ignition and Combustion Characteristics of Wall-Impinging Sprays Injected by Group-Hole Nozzles for Direct-Injection Diesel Engines", SAE International Journal of Engines, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 1205-1219, 2009.

▷Seoksu Moon*, Essam F. Abo-Serie and Choongsik Bae, “Estimation of the Break-Up Length for a Pressure-Swirl Spray from the Experimentally Measured Spray Angle”, Atomization and Sprays, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 1-12, 2009.

▷Seoksu Moon*, Essam F. Abo-Serie, and Choongsik Bae, “Air flow and pressure inside the pressure-swirl spray and their effects on spray development”, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 222-231, 2009.

▷Seoksu Moon*, Hyeonsook Yoon, Choongsik Bae and Essam F. Abo-Serie, “Generation of Robust and Well-Atomized Swirl Spray”, SAE Transactions: Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, Vol. 116, Sec. 4, pp. 325-333, SAE2007-01-1852, 2008.

▷Seoksu Moon*, Essam F. Abo-Serie and Choongsik Bae, “The Spray Characteristics of a Pressure-Swirl Injector with Various Exit Plane Tilts”, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol. 34, No. 7, pp. 615-627, 2008.

▷Seoksu Moon*, Jaejoon Choi, Kitae Yeom and Choongsik Bae, “Measurements of droplet size distribution and in-cylinder mixture formation from a slit injector in a direct-injection gasoline engine”, Journal of Physics; Conference Series, Vol. 85, 012004, 2007.

▷Seoksu Moon*, Essam Abo-Serie, Jaejoon Choi and Choongsik Bae, “Internal and Near Nozzle Flow of a Pressure-Swirl Atomizer Under Varied Fuel Temperature”, Atomization and Sprays, Vol. 17, No. 6, pp. 529-550, 2007.

▷Seoksu Moon*, Choongsik Bae, Jaejoon Choi and Essam Abo-Serie, “The Influence of Airflow on Fuel Spray Characteristics from a Slit Injector”, Fuel, Vol. 86, No. 3, pp. 400-409, 2007.

Domestic Journal

"수소 및 헬륨을 이용한 작은 원추각 핀틀형 수소인젝터의 초음속 제트 특성 비교"
배규한, 임주완, 이재현, 문석수*, 한국분무공학회지, Vol.29, no.2, pp. 83~90, 2024     LINK

"초음속 유동에 대한 핀틀형 수소인젝터의 질량유량 예측"
이재현, 배규한, 문석수*, 한국자동차공학회 논문집, Vol.32, no.6, pp. 477~484, 2024     LINK

"다양한 연료온도 조건에 있어서의 기존 가솔린과 F-T합성 가솔린의 분사율 특성 비교 연구"
손지현, 배규한, 문석수*, 한국분무공학회지, Vol.28, no.3, pp. 43~48, 2023     LINK

"물분사 폐열회수 보일러의 효용성에 대한 실험적 검증"
신재훈, 박태준, 조현석, 유준상, 문석수*, 이창언*, 한국분무공학회지, Vol.28, no.3, pp. 143~149, 2023     LINK

"힘센서를 이용한 기상 연료의 과도적 분사율 계측에 관한 연구"
이재현, 배규한, 기영민, 문석수*, 한국분무공학회지 Vol.27 no.4, pp. 181-187, 2022     LINK

"EHC 기반 Urea-SCR 시스템 히터 표면온도 분포의 1-D 모델링"
박선홍, 손지현, 문석수*, 오광철, 장성욱, 박성서, 한국분무공학회지, 27권 1호, pp. 11~17, 2022     LINK

"물분사 폐열회수 보일러의 효용성 검증을 위한 기초 연구"
서준선, 이창언*, 박태준, 문석수*, 김형래, 강영각, 대한기계학회논문집 B, 45권 8호, pp. 429~437, 2021     LINK

"가습연소 폐열회수 보일러의 물분사 설계모델 구축에 관한 연구"
신재훈, 문석수*, 한국분무공학회지, 26권 2호, pp. 96~103, 2021     LINK

"고압 인젝터의 분사율 예측을 위한 경량 모델 개발"
이상권, 배규한, Omer Faruk Atac, 문석수*, 강진석, 한국분무공학회지, 25권 4호, pp. 188~195, 2020    LINK

"X선 위상차 가시화 기법을 이용한 GDI 인젝터 노즐 근방의 분무 간 상호간섭 해석"
배규한, 문석수*, 한국분무공학회지, 25권 2호, pp. 60~67, 2020     LINK

"기존 가정용 보일러 및 신형 물분사 폐열회수 보일러에 대한 수소 연료의 평가"
이창언*, 김대훈, 박태준, 문석수*, 한국수소및신에너지학회논문집, 31권 2호, pp. 210~222 , 2020     LINK

"디젤 인젝터 분사율 예측을 위한 AMESim 기반 1-D 모델 구축"
이진우*, 김재헌, 김기현, 문석수, 강진석, 한상욱, 한국분무공학회지, 25권 1호, pp. 8~14 , 2020     LINK

International Conference



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